Verizon Galaxy S3 Rooted, Custom Recovery Flashed.

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I’ll do my best to save the choice words that I have over the fact that Verizon’s Galaxy S3 is the only one in the world with a locked bootloader, and instead let you have fun with that. What I will say, is that I thought we’d have root by the end of weekend and we had it before last night came to a close. The folks over at RootzWiki rooted the device by flashing a custom system.img file with su, that then allows you to push a recovery.img like CWM. It’s a great first step.

Unfortunately, the bootloader is still locked, so there is work to be done on that front if we want custom kernels and a fully open device. It’s tough to tell if we’ll ever fully unlock, but you know that there will be groups working on it. Just like with root, give it some time.

Lastly, I’ll say this one more time – the ONLY Galaxy S3 in the world, that we know of, to have a locked bootloader. The only. AT&T was fine with it being open, as was T-Mobile and Sprint. This one though, locked. Classy.

Via:  RootzWiki

Cheers Steven, Brian and Terris! 



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