Android Quick App: Battery Indicator

One quirky thing about the Droid's battery is that it only displays its status in increments of 10. Battery Indicator displays your battery's percentage in your notification bar, and allows for the pulldown menu to give you a temperature, battery quality and...

Android App Review: Caligo Chaser

Most of us are familiar with Com2us' offerings into the Android App Marketplace. Most of their popular games are ports of iPhone games, which lend to their cross-platform appeal. Ultimately, the company doesn't have much to lose by delving into both markets,...

Android App Review: WifiAnalyzer

One of the many blessings of having a smartphone is the ability to use wifi. Nothing makes me happier than being able to say "You know what, cellphone provider? You don't get my data dollars today." There are a number of apps on the marketplaces that take the...

Android App Review: PulseRider

I feel like we've reached a dead end with rhythm games. I mean, there's only so many times I can press color coordinated buttons scrolling down a track. However, games like Rez and Android's Pulse Rider give me hope; it's nice to see people being smart about...

Android App Review: ThickButtons

Being a guy with big thumbs, my prime motivation for getting a Droid/Milestone was to avoid having to type with an onscreen keyboard. From testing out my friends' iPhones to messing around with the in-store models, I could tell that any serious (or, well,...

Android App Review: Boxee Wifi Remote

Being a poor college student, I'm very easily persuaded to cut things out of my budget wherever possible in order to save a few bucks. This includes cable, because, well, I can watch most of the things I want (legally) online. With streamng, and the advent of...

Android App Review: Replica Island

I'm going to admit that I didn't buy my Milestone to play games. When I'm on the go I usually have my DS handy or am engrossed in my iPod. However, sometimes I'm just too damned lazy to pull out either one of those devices. I have a couple games installed on...