There’s been a lot of talk about Google Assistant this week. We reviewed a new Lenovo smart display powered by it, told you how to setup Google Keep as your shopping list in Assistant, and learned about Interpreter Mode on phones. See what I mean?
I also feel like I have been using Assistant more than ever during this holiday season. I’ve been around friends and family where we often spout out Assistant commands looking for answers to random questions from conversations we’re having. There has been cooking together and letting the kids bake Xmas cookies, which means timers on timers on timers. The holiday decorations and lights are up inside my house, so voice controls over when those turn on and off are in full swing. Holiday music is so accessible via the Assistant and Spotify. It’s Assistant season, I’m telling you.
What’s my favorite command, though? Because I’m a lazy office cave troll, it’s gotta be controlling lights or the temperature in my house. Being able to complete tasks by voice that might otherwise raise my heartrate a touch and require physical movement is the way to live that life.
What about you? Finding that you are using Assistant more these days? Whatever the case, what’s the Google Assistant command you likely use the most?
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