Samsung Facebook: Verizon is Getting the Galaxy Nexus in the Initial Wave – Other Carriers Later (Updated)

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I’m still trying to decide why anyone was questioning whether or not Verizon was going to get the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Not only have we produced enough Big Red screenshots and source information to make you a believer, but we also saw Verizon referenced on Sammie’s website last night along with the 4G LTE version in pictures today. It’s coming! Trust the signs.

To offer additional confirmation that it will arrive in November, look no further than Samsung’s official Facebook page where one of our readers asked about carrier choices. As you can see from the Samsung rep’s response, it sounds like Verizon may be the only U.S. carrier initially, doesn’t it? Big Red gets it “with the initial release” while other carriers “may” see it later.

Update:  And a couple of hours later, that same Samsung rep has changed her mind.

Nexclusive. (Trademarking that.)

Via:  Facebook

Cheers Matt!



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