Motorola Buys 280 North, Looking to Amp Up Android Innovations

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Motorola is positioning itself to jump into the web-based applications game with their recent acquisition of 280 North, a small startup who specializes in speeding up the development such rich goodness. In a letter to TechCrunch, we are sort of given reasoning behind the acquisition.  Android.

The transaction provides Motorola with specialized web-app engineering talent and technology that will help facilitate the continued expansion of Motorola’s application ecosystem. We believe 280 North will be instrumental in helping us continue to foster the Android ecosystem with innovative web-based technologies and applications.

The key words in that quote are obviously “foster the Android ecosystem” which we can only hope means enhancements to all things Blur since we know Motorola doesn’t plan on completely abandoning it for quite some time.  Or we can also hope it means that some new miracle product will come to life which allows us to forgive them after locking down bootloader after bootloader.

Anything in particular you would like to see Moto begin working on after this purchase?

Via:  TechCrunch



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