AI With Real-Time Coaching, Movement Correction Coming for Your Home Gym

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I’ve been having a lot of fun snooping around on Kickstarter these past few weeks, looking for sweet gift ideas or just general cool stuff. The last item we posted about was a pair of Gemini-powered AI glasses, a counter to Ray-Ban’s Meta glasses. This next project I found is also AI-related, but as someone who coached CrossFit on the side, I thought it would interest anyone with a mind for fitness as well as tech.

AEKE K1 is an AI-powered home gym, featuring real-time feedback on a massive 43-inch 4K display. The big thing I’ve taken away from my time coaching is that everyone moves differently, opening up the possibility for poor movement which can then lead to potential injury. As coaches, preventing that is priority number one. With an AI coach keeping an eye on you in real-time, K1 is designed to provide instant feedback, ensuring you’re moving properly and safely.

From what I can gather reading the campaign, users can use the machine for five strength modes, all tailorable to various fitness goals, such as weight loss and muscle building. To get a sense of the user, K1 utilizes a 6-point assessment to ensure people get a challenging, yet safe workout each time. The assessment checks your cardio function, body composition, muscular endurance, flexibility, posture/body alignment, and core stability. The scores are then averaged and you’re left with a single assessment score, which then hones the AI to deliver workouts based on your needs.

The system’s advanced tracking technology detects any deviations from optimal form, like insufficient arm extension or an unstable torso. When needed, AEKE K1 provides instant corrective guidance through either voice or visual prompts, so you’re always in safe hands.

The above is exactly what a “real” coach, like me, is trained to see during a class. The sell here is, you can get that same feedback from the comfort of your own home, plus won’t need to pay for a monthly gym membership as there are no subscriptions or recurring fees after purchasing this device. I don’t quite yet feel like that, “They took our jobs!” guy from South Park, but we’re certainly getting there.


  • AI-driven coaching with real-time feedback for optimal performance and safety.
  • Five dynamic strength modes tailored to diverse fitness goals, from weight loss to posture improvement.
  • 43-inch 4K touchscreen paired with surround sound for an immersive workout experience.
  • A space-saving & sleek design, folding to just 0.3 square meters and requiring zero installation.
  • Access to 280+ workouts without subscriptions or recurring fees.

AEKE K1 is already fully funded at nearly $500K, so the hard part is over. Mass production is shown to have already started with shipping expected in February, 2025. That’s surprisingly soon. Units are currently priced at $1998 (46% off expected retail price), but there’s also a holiday bundle priced at $2,328, packed with all of the add-ons you might want.

Machines like Tonal always interested me, but they are incredibly pricey (currently on sale for $3K), but then coupled with a subscription ($60/mo). It’s just too much. This looks like a solid alternative and good competition, which has been needed in the home fitness space.

Follow the link below to snag one while the price is good.

Kickstarter Link



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