Audible App Coming Soon to Wear OS Watches

Galaxy Watch 6

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As a part of yesterday’s Galaxy Watch 6 launch, Samsung and Google quietly announced that Amazon’s Audible is coming soon to Wear OS. This is a semi-big deal for those who want to listen to a book while on the go or out on a run.

While no other details were given about the launch, Google did at least say that the app will show up on your wrist “later this year.” Once it does, you should be able to access your library of audiobooks through Audible and load them onto a Wear OS watch. Sort of like you can do with some music apps now, you’d be a book listening machine without the need of your phone (potentially).

Audible Apple Watch - Wear OS

I should point out that Audible is already on the Apple Watch and late last year picked up a huge update that we hope is a part of Wear OS from day 1. The update allowed Audible to provide library access, streams, and downloads of titles without syncing to an iPhone. It’s essentially a stand-alone app, which again, we hope is how the Wear OS app shows up.

The app on Apple Watches, once you start streaming, the content downloads in the background to then provide you with offline access. You can change it to stream-only if you want, though. It’ll also sync across devices, so you can leave your watch session and pick-up on another device without hiccup.

We’ll let you know once the app arrives. Should we bet on it launching with the Pixel Watch 2?



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