A year ago, Google and Huawei closed out a lawsuit over their co-created Nexus 6P phone by sending out settlement payments over a couple of serious issues (bootlooping and battery drain) that plagued the phone. We received a payment, as did a number of our readers. Weirdly today, another round of payments appears to be going out.
This morning, I received a payment for $6.14 and another of our readers pinged us at almost the same time, saying they had received $11.33. A couple of people on Twitter got similar deposits. That’s odd because we all received payments last year and the website for the lawsuit says that final distribution of payments “will be made to valid Claimants no later than February 21, 2020.”
The payment I just got included a note from “Nexus 6P Products Liability Litigation Settlement Fund” and said the following (last year’s payment was from KCC Class Action Services, LLC.)
“This payment is the settlement benefit to which you are entitled for your eligible claim under the class action settlement in In re Nexus 6P Products Liability Litigation. This award may or may not be taxable, depending on your particular facts and circumstances. Please contact a tax advisor or other qualified financial counselor with any questions regarding the tax treatment of the settlement award you are receiving under this Class Action Settlement. The Settlement Administrator and the attorneys representing the parties in this case cannot provide you with any tax advice. If you have any questions concerning this distribution, please contact the Settlement Administrator by email at info@nexus6pettlement.com or visit www.nexus6psettlement.com. Sincerely, Settlement Administrator. PLEASE DO NOT TELEPHONE THE COURT OR THE COURT CLERK’S OFFICE TO INQUIRE ABOUT THIS SETTLEMENT OR THE CLAIM PROCESS.”
They spelled the email address wrong in that quote, which is odd, but whatever. I emailed the correct one anyway asking for more information related to this second payment. Maybe there were funds leftover?
We’ll see what we can find out, but if you got additional cash from the Nexus 6P lawsuit, let us know.
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