Yahoo Mobile is Done

Yahoo Mobile

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Yahoo Mobile, the prepaid wireless option that Verizon launched a little over a year ago that looked like a copycat of their Visible brand, is done. With Verizon selling the Yahoo brand, it doesn’t make a lot of sense for them to continue operating a prepaid service with the name.

Yahoo Mobile is notifying customers this week that they can continue using the service for their current billing cycle and extend for one more, but that’s it. After the next billing cycle, they will no longer be able to renew and will need to find another option for wireless service. They’ll be given until at least August 31 to continue accessing their accounts.

So what’s the plan now? Well, Yahoo Mobile is recommending Visible as a nice alternative. That makes a lot of sense since they are almost identical outside of their featured color (purple vs. blue) and names.

Visible, for those new, is a Verizon-operated prepaid service that costs just $40/mo and gives you unlimited talk/text/data, calling to Mexico and Canada, and hotspot. Since it works on Verizon’s network, it offers excellent coverage and no longer tries to cap the data speeds your phone can access. It’ll even drop your monthly bill down to $25/mo if you share an account with friends and family.

For more on the end of Yahoo Mobile, checkout these FAQ.



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