This week in Android included updates on the Galaxy Note 7 recall, Android’s September security patch rollout, the unveiling of the LG V20 and the new iPhones, and T-Mobile blessing select customers with unlimited data. It wasn’t necessarily a packed week, but there were plenty of major happenings that you should be aware of.
To catch up as we inch closer to the launch of the new Google phones, we’ve hand-selected the biggest topics of the week for you, all of which can be accessed below.
- WATCH: Droid Life Show Episode 119 | Subscribe
- CONTEST: Join the DL Football Eliminator and win a free phone!
- Galaxy Note 7 Recall: FAA issues statement | Samsung responds
- Nexus 6P Nougat factory image and OTA .zip are finally out
- Android’s September security patchs rolled out this week
- Rumor: Huawei may make a Nexus/Pixel 7-inch tablet
- WiFi Assistant now rolling out to Nexus devices
- Comparison: Galaxy S7 vs. iPhone 7
- T-Mobile gives out unlimited data for 2+ years to select customers
- T-Mobile’s LTE-A should also be insanely fast, on select devices
- Android Wear: Michael Kors new Android Wear watches are available
- Super Mario Run will come to Android in the future
- LG V20: First impressions | Software tour | Availability | Specs
- Android Pay gets Chase support!
- Chrome 53 includes Android Pay support for the web
American football.
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