Thursday Poll: The Samsung Galaxy SII Is Not Coming To Verizon, What Are You Going To Do?

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With the breaking news of the Samsung Galaxy SII not heading to Verizon, people are now only left with basically two options if they have been in the market for an upgraded phone. You can either get the DROID Bionic, or continue to wait for something better. There are talks of the next Nexus (codename Prime) heading to Verizon, but at this point it is still in rumor/hypebeast mode.

We know lots of readers here have been patiently waiting for Samsung and Verizon’s announcement of a Galaxy SII launch on Big Red, and now with reports stating the exact opposite, what are you plans?

With the Samsung Galaxy S2 not coming to Verizon, will you jump on the DROID Bionic or continue to wait?

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