Best Buy Introduces Cloud Music Service, Confuses Us All

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With Google, Amazon and Apple already launching their own cloud music service variations, Best Buy decided it didn’t want to be left out of the fun.  Today (or last night maybe), the electronics retail giant announced “Best Buy Music Cloud” which is just like all of the other previously named services, except that you can sign up for monthly usage ($3.99) rather than lock yourself in for an entire year.  They also have a “lite” aka free option.

BBMC can sync or pull from iTunes, has an Android app so that you can take music on the go, and even allows for offline cached playback of your collection.  All of the stuff we’ve seen from everyone else.

The odd thing is that after digging around their site for 15 minutes now, I can’t actual tell how much storage they plan to give you.  Could be unlimited if you go with the “premium” package, but it’s tough to tell.  It also appears as if you are stuck with just the web player unless you upgrade to the $3.99 plan, meaning no love for music-on-the-go unless you’ve got monthly cash to burn.

This is the most half-#$%ed release of a cloud service I have ever seen, I think.  We’ll be digging for more…

Something tells me that Best Buy isn’t going to be the last cloud music service that we see this year either, and I’m not sure that’s a good thing.  Did we really need another?

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