Report: LG is Abandoning Its Module Phone Strategy

lg g5 update

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According to the latest report from Korea, LG is abandoning its module smartphone strategy, the same that was used in this year’s G5. Unsurprisingly, LG has stated that the G5 was not as successful as they had hoped, and usability of the modules was hindered due to the inability to hot swap modules. If you need more insight into why the G5 was not all that awesome, be sure to check out our review. To sum it up, the module aspect was not well executed.

Given this news, it is now reported that next year’s G6 will not feature modularity.

Additionally, LG understands where this move leaves current G5 customers. Given the abandonment, customers shouldn’t expect new “Friends” anytime soon, or ever. Future phones, according to the report, “will apply demands from its customers and markets rather than being buried in creating innovations.”

With Google’s killing of Project Ara, it seems apparent that module phones are dying off, with Motorola and Lenovo now completely owning the space with the Moto Z lineup.

Also included in this report are a few tidbits on the LG G6. LG is said to be choosing its major partners at this time, with launch scheduled for Spring of 2017. Not only that, but ET News states, “the G6 will have new functions that were not seen before in previous LG smartphones.”

RIP, modularity.

Via: ET News | The Verge



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