Verizon Now Selling Chromecast, Corporate 25% Discounts Work Too

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chromecast verizon

If you didn’t have your long-standing corporate discount axed by Verizon’s re-validation process over the last few months and a Chromecast has been on your list of must-haves, purchasing one through Big Red is probably a pretty smart idea at this point. Within the last day, Verizon began selling Google’s HDMI dongle to the tune of $34.99, the same price you’ll find it on Google Play, in Best Buy stores, or on Motorola’s site. That’s the standard price. 

However, if you do enjoy a corporate discount through Verizon, one that also includes a deal on accessories (most are 25% discounts), then feel free to buy through Verizon. As can be seen in the screenshot below, corporate discounts are being applied to the Chromecast as if it were an accessory, which drops the price to $26.24. That’s close to a $10 discount on a $35 product.

Not bad, right?

verizon chromecast discount

Via:  Verizon

Cheers Jeff!



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