Verizon Statement on Unlimited Data: Will Let You Know of Policy Changes When We Get Closer to Shared Data

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After yesterday’s announcement by Verizon CFO Fran Shammo that unlimited data plans would soon be a thing of the past, VZW spokesperson Brenda Raney has released a statement for the company. In it, she doesn’t talk about the end of unlimited data directly, but instead mentions that if policy changes are to happen when shared data plans roll out, that customers will be informed ahead of time so that they can evaluate their choices:

As we have stated publicly, Verizon Wireless has been evaluating its data pricing structure for some time. Customers have told us that they want to share data, similar to how they share minutes today. We are working on plans to provide customers with that option later this year.

We will share specific details of the plans and any related policy changes well in advance of their introduction, so customers will have time to evaluate their choices and make the best decisions for their wireless service. It is our goal and commitment to continue to provide customers with the same high value service they have come to expect from Verizon Wireless.

I’ll let you decipher that.

Via:  Verizon

Cheers Cory!



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