These iFixit teardowns are usually worth a quick glance because the innards of new technology is simply fun to look at. Rarely though, do we get to see something we haven’t seen before or that makes us actually thumb through the entire teardown. That’s definitely the case with the DROID RAZR. This one, is worth your time.
Since there isn’t a removable battery, and the top and bottom halves of the phone have been glued tightly together, the iFixit crew had to put in some real work to make this happen. If you were wondering how Motorola managed to pack all of the high-end spec goodness into such a thin frame, this is your way to find out.
Plus, we are also always suckers for good dozuki sighting.
And if that did not fulfill your RAZR design needs, you will want to check out the video below that is straight from Motorola.
Via: iFixit
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