Easy Root Returns, Just Not in the Market

One of the hot topics over the weekend was the removal of Easy Root from the Android Market.  Yep, the same one that roots your Droid or Droid X with the touch of a button and has been covered by us from the get go.  For reasons yet to be made public, Google...

Android 2.2 on DROID Rooted with Easy Root

Remember Easy Root?  You know, the "1-touch" rooting machine that rooted many of your Droid and Droid X devices just before the FRG01B manual update was released?  Well guess what?  The developers behind it have figured out a way to root that same official...

Easy Root, the Newest 1-Touch DROID Rooting App

After the beta version of DMUpdater was taken down today, many of you were left without an option to root your Droid and only a few hours remain until the official Android 2.2 update starts rolling out.  Are you freaking?  Freak no more!  The developer behind...