It’s Time for a New NVIDIA SHIELD TV

SHIELD TV update

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The SHIELD TV hardware I have hooked up to my living room TV was made in 2019. That was 5 years ago, and frankly, with all of the improvements that have been made in the mobile space in that amount of time, I am officially ready for NVIDIA to produce a new SHIELD TV for me to purchase.

SHIELD TV is Still Great

In terms of Android-powered set-top boxes, I still rank the SHIELD TV very high, even with its age. Mine performs well, but imagine how much better it could be if it had a refresh of its internals. These days, SHIELD TV is having to compete with Google TV-powered television sets that are only getting better and more powerful. In my mind, it’s time for NVIDIA to reestablish its spot on top of the Android TV mountain.

What Chip Would It Use?

NVIDIA hasn’t been in the news for Android processors for a few years. Last I heard, the company announced Thor as part of its Tegra line, but that is solely focused on self-driving cars and things like that. Not for running Android TV. So I suppose a new SHIELD TV may require the company to make a new chipset, but this is NVIDIA we’re talking about, so that shouldn’t be too difficult.

One thing to note is how NVIDIA could continue to incorporate all of their latest cloud gaming and AI technologies into a new Android TV box. I’m sure they could whip up some real special features for a new device. I don’t have the imagination to think what that all could be, but I’m sure it would be great and hopefully over the top.

If you take one thing from this post, it’s that I want a new SHIELD TV. Add it to my 2024 wishlist. Thank you for your time.



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