Samsung Galaxy Beta Program Nougat Update Sign-Up is Live!

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It’s November 9, so that means Samsung has launched its Nougat beta for the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge. We have been checking to see if or when the update would go live and appears that for now, sign-up for the program is at least live. Well, it’s live for some people. 

As a reminder, the Nougat beta from the Samsung Beta Program in the US is only available to the S7 and S7 Edge on Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint. According to Samsung FAQ, the AT&T and unlocked models are not a part of the program. We have been checking on our unlocked model all morning and it does indeed appear to not be a part, while our T-Mobile unit signed-up just fine.

UPDATE: Sign-ups may already be full. Feel free to try, but Samsung does limit the amount of people who can register for the beta.

UPDATE 2: Samsung has edited the FAQ to show the rollout date for Nougat updates from each carrier. They are as follows—

* Beta S/W OTA Schedule for each carrier
After the approval of the registration, It will be shipped sequentially.

  •  SPR : 11/9~
  • VZW : 11/11~
  • TMO : 11/14~

So, how do you sign-up for the Samsung Nougat beta? It’s pretty easy, really.

  1. Install the Samsung Beta Program app from the Galaxy Apps store. Either hit this link from your eligible phone or search for it in the Galaxy Apps store.
  2. Open the app and walk through the steps to get registered.
  3. Once registered, sit back and wait for the update to go live.

That same Samsung FAQ for the Beta Program says that once you are registered, “you may be selected” to participate. If you are selected, you’ll find the update once you “click on the ‘Software Update’ menu (Setting – Device information – download updates).” That’s a bit confusing, so once we can clarify those instructions, we’ll update this post. Your best bet is to check in both the Beta Program app and in Settings>About device>Download updates manually.

Anyone get the download link yet?



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