We were recently asked on Twitter why we prefer on-screen buttons to capacitive. The fact is, there are many pros and cons to each setup. Don’t believe me? Check out our massive list. Personally, I enjoy the more immersive feeling I get when using on-screen buttons, but really, it comes down to what I would describe as a more sexy look.
Since the launch of the first OnePlus device, users have been able to choose which button setup they want, which I think is a major plus for OP. As far as I know, no other Android smartphone maker does this. On the OnePlus 3, I opt for on-screen buttons, but thanks to a slight bug with the software, I am currently restricted from using them. If it wasn’t for that software bug, though, I’d be rocking on-screen buttons all day.
What about you? If you have a preference, which do you prefer?

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