Motorola Pulls the Plug on Custom Engravings for Moto X, For Now

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According to JR Raphael, a writer for Computer World, a Motorola spokesperson divulged the company’s plans to stop offering custom engravings for future Moto X customers. From what the spokesperson said, the quality of the engravings just wasn’t up to standards, and for now, the plug has been pulled on the “beta” feature. This news comes just a few days before the device launches onto AT&T this Friday.

Custom engravings are one of several options you can choose when creating your very own Moto X using Motorola’s MotoMaker site. Along with engravings, you can choose the device’s color, body accents, select custom wallpapers and also a custom start up screen. Motorola does plan on fixing the problem and hopes to allow future customers the choice of personal engravings later down the road.

This news makes our personal “DL” Moto X all the more special now. Does this news bum anyone out? Did you have a special engraving in mind for when you ordered your X?

Via: JR Raphael



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