Android Haikus: A Few of Our Favorites

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In order to enter our Nexus 7 and Google Play gift card contest, from yesterday, we asked that readers come up with an Android related haiku. We had no idea what to expect, but it turned out to be pure gold. The DL community came through in a big way, creating some of the most entertaining and thought-provoking poems. While our winner was chosen at random, we still wanted to highlight some of our favorites. There were over 1700 entries, so we couldn’t possibly read them all, but we definitely dove into a big chunk.

Here are some of the best. 

Michael Valadez 

Lightweight and speedy.
Seven inches in my hand.
A tablet, you perv.


Loading my device
With power and performance
Simply put, Droid Does


With Nexus seven,
Convert all nonbelievers,
Rise, android army.

Steve Huetteman 

Nexus seven for he.
A four for she.
Two happy Nexi’s to be

Zachary F

Droid Life is the site
That I visit everyday
For my Android News.

C Glenn

Unlock me, it cried
Anticipation sets in
Be free, little droid

Matt Kessler

Little green robots
Under the lit Christmas tree
Dog chewed it, F**ker!

Kevin Bonaventura

First was OG Droid
So much customization
Who needs an iPhone?


Nexus, oh Nexus
With your bootloader unlocked
Learn Motorola!


Where am I, I’m lost
Apple Maps bad directions
Android save me please!

Chris Sung 

The Galaxy SIII
Wow, TouchWiz is so awesome
Said no one ever

Zach Jacobs 

Roboto is sleek
Holo is clean, change is good
This is Jelly Bean

Nexus for freedom
From the data capping fools
Apple wants to sue


Triumphant Android,
you are Apple’s one demise.
Do not be evil.

Brian Milner 

Seven inch tablet
Jobs said they were D.O.A.
Android said “Nom Nom!”


Always up to date.
Bootloaders always unlocked.
All but Verizon…

Nate Warner 

Tiny, small, and green
A bug of technology
Bugdroid does it all.

To read the rest, be sure to head to the comments of yesterday’s contest post.



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