Limited Edition Red DROID RAZR MAXX Devices Start to Arrive for Verizon Employees

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The limited edition, red and black DROID RAZR MAXX is now arriving in stores to Verizon employees. As reported back in February, VZW workers were given the opportunity to purchase either a 16GB regular RAZR or the 32GB MAXX at $99 and $199 respectively. Each would come with their own uniquely engraved number on the back along with the words “LIMITED EDITION” next to the Big Red logo on the front. The color scheme has also been tweaked to a pure black look with red accents on the power button and kevlar backing. After seeing the device in the wild now, I can definitively say that this is the hottest RAZR yet. Previous models with their silvers and greys look nice as well, but that black and red combination is always a winner.

These phones cannot be purchased by regular Verizon customers, unless of course you find one on eBay for some incredibly bloated price

Cheers ___!



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