The Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Receiving so much love. Feels good, right? The newest feature we are going to boast about is a touch enabled version of ClockworkMod Recovery which is available for the Galaxy Nexus. It is still in Alpha (Beta now), but is completely usable and available for download.
Update: Beta 1 has been released. Updated link below.
Download: cwm_touch_alpha2_toro.img cwm_touch_beta1_toro.img
Installation instructions:
- Download .img file.
- Place .img file in tools folder of your Android SDK.
- Open up a command prompt in your tools folder.
- Write out the following commands then hit enter.
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash recovery cwm_touch_beta1_toro.img
You should now have the newest touch-enabled recovery on your device. If you want to go back to regular ClockworkMod, you can easily do so by flashing it through ROM Manager. Have fun!
Via: RootzWiki
Cheers Whiteboy7thSt!
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