Words With Friends Coming to Android

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Scrabble – Sounds like a blast. Oh but wait, now you’re saying I can play “Scrabble” on my Android phone? Double blast? Indeed it’s true. The extremely popular i*hone application is being ported to the Android platform by the game developers and is expected to make it’s first appearance very soon. But can I play with my friends with i*hones? I hope so. I love wiping that smug grin off their faces!

But this brings up another subject. Getting more applications from the i*hone platform to come to the GreenSide. Queue Imperial March! We already got the Fruit Ninja and Angry Birds love, but I want to see more. Also, it isn’t like we don’t already have Scrabble games. There is Scrabble Lite, WordWise, Word Feud, and a ton more, but if any of you know Words With Friends, then you’ll know of its pure greatness.

Here is a quick quote from the Words With Friends developers,

“We’ve since hired a team to develop an Android version. They’re actively at work on it at the moment and are getting close to being done, so not too much longer!”

Well there you have it. Soon you’ll be testing your brain power against your friends and annoying all your Facebook friends with game invites. Cheers!

So now the only question is…When can I expect my favorite application to be ported to Android?!? And can anyone guess what that app may be? Oh you guessed it…I AM T-PAIN! And no people, MicDroid is NOT anywhere close to the quality of I Am T-Pain.


Cheers Phandroid for the scoop!



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