MLB At Bat Premium Features Free to T-Mobile Customers

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As hardcore baseball fans who are also on T-Mobile should know by now, much like last year, the carrier is offering a free subscription to the MLB At Bat application. For regular folks who are not on T-Mobile, the usual process is much more expensive. First, you can either pay for the app and its Premium features outright for $19.99 at the beginning of the season or you can sign up for a monthly subscription (which is new this year) for $2.99 a month.

On the downside, however, streaming games is not part of that package. Total ripoff, right? In order to stream games, you will need an MLB.TV subscription, which is about $24.99 a month to access games on all of your devices. Although, with a MLB.TV subscription, it comes with At Bat Premium bundled for your phone, so if you need your baseball fix on the daily, then a MLB.TV subscription is the way to go. 

For T-Mobile customers, they are lucky, and are getting MLB At Bat Premium for completely free from now until September 30. It’s a pretty solid deal for baseball fans who are not up for dropping $25 a month for streaming games.

T-Mobile has yet to confirm the actual details of the deal, but we will update this post when they do so.

Any T-Mobile customers here taking advantage of this promotion?

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Via: T-Mobile | TmoNews
Cheers Timothy!



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