Buy a Galaxy S5 and Get $500 in App Subscriptions for Free

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Outside of buying (and winning) the Oscars and putting their new flagship in your face across all forms of media over the coming weeks, Samsung is also going to try and lure in potential Galaxy S5 owners with all sorts of freebies. According to a landing page on Samsung’s website titled “Galaxy Gifts,” buyers of the Galaxy S5 could potentially walk away with over $500 in free app subscriptions as “thank you” for their purchase. 

Things like a 6-month full access pass to the Wall Street Journal ($160), 1-year subscription to Businessweek ($30), 1-year premium Run Keeper service ($20), 50GB of Box storage for six months ($60), and a free LinkedIn premium account for three months ($75) headline the list of freebies. You’ll also find deals from Evernote, Cut the Rope 2, Map My Fitness, and others.

We know that many have been lukewarm thus far on the Galaxy S5 – will freebies like this draw you in?

Via:  Samsung | Engadget



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