My Purchases App Brings Missing Functionality of Google Play to Your Device

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My Purchases

I can not remember exactly when, but it feels like forever ago when Google removed the ability to quickly access which apps you have purchased through their store. Instead, they all just get bundled with every other app you have ever downloaded, which is just completely awful and a hassle.

Well, say “what’s up?” to My Purchases. This free app (paid version available) gives you a pure list of everything you have purchased on Google Play, but not just apps. It shows movies, songs, and all of your other purchases since the beginning of time. 

It supports multiple accounts, so if you spread your downloads across different emails, that is not a problem either. If you miss this functionality in Google Play, check it out. For those curious, the paid version removes in-app advertisements.

Play Link: Free | Pro ($1.29)

Cheers Kover!



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