Shockapotomus! Samsung Won’t Debut Galaxy S4 at CES

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According to a report out of CNET, Samsung will not unveil the Galaxy S4 at CES, next month. I sincerely hope you do not find this news to be a shocker. We told you yesterday, after Samsung posted their CES teaser video, that you shouldn’t think for a second that we would be seeing the next Galaxy phone, but as expected, some news outlets jumped to wild headline grabbing conclusions. Remember, the Galaxy S3 is still selling like crazy. The Galaxy Note 2 is still brand new and selling like crazy. And Samsung has typically waited until early Summer to announce their new Galaxy phone.

But beyond all of that, Samsung is bigger than CES when it comes to mobile. They’ll show off TVs, maybe a new tablet, and probably something to tie mobile in with those TVs, but that’s it. They’ll have their own press event, probably in April or May to reveal their next big phone.

Via:  CNET



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