Yesterday, Google dropped a whole new line of hardware on us and we’re still going over them, figuring out which device has us more excited than the others. We have the Nexus 4, with its high-end specs, but lack of LTE. There is the new Nexus 10, a stunning device with an extremely high resolution for a price that is incredibly competitive, and last but certainly not least, we have the new Nexus 7 with 32GB of storage and HSPA+ radios built in.
We went over the pros and cons of the new devices in last night’s Droid Life Show, and I think we pretty much summed up that with the lack of LTE, the Nexus 4 is a good device, but could be a letdown to some. Sure, it has an amazing quad-core processor and a nice display, but with no LTE, it doesn’t meet a very simple standard that many buyers are looking for. As for the Nexus 10, we have yet to get our hands on one, but initially, we’re definitely excited. The display itself basically takes the cake on this one. And as for our dear friend the Nexus 7, you can do no wrong in our eyes.
Let us know which new device has you most excited from yesterday. It’s certainly not an easy choice and each has its own market to appeal to. Let’s hear your thoughts!

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