Ex-Google Employee Says Google+ Ruined the Company, Social is the Only Focus

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Google+ has certainly marked a change in how Google is looking to do their business, but has the social networking attempt ruined the company? One ex-Googler says so. James Whittaker, who once worked for Microsoft before going to Google, has recently spouted off about his last few months at Google before returning to Microsoft, and it doesn’t sound good:

“The Google I was passionate about was a technology company that empowered its employees to innovate. The Google I left was an advertising company with a single corporate-mandated focus.”

Whittaker went on to describe two Googles, the one before Google+ and the one “after.” After the “social” battle cry went out, Google’s famed “20%” went down the drain as the company was single minded in their focus. All doom and gloom for sure, but not too hard to believe. Google+ has been a huge push for Google as of late so this isn’t too far out of the realm of possibility. One interesting note though, Whittaker posted his scathing comments on a Microsoft blog, rather than a personal one. We know that a lot of the community here uses G+ heavily, but how about your friends and family? Is Google+ already a sinking ship?

Via: MyFox8

Cheers GreeKNastY!



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