Netflix Updated – Facebook Sharing For Non-US Users, Software Volume Controls Added For Tablet Users

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The ever-so-popular Netflix for Android application has been updated, bringing a few neat new features for everyone’s enjoyment. We had been hoping it was the “HD for everyone” update, but alas, we must still be patient for that.

Non-US users (sorry, folks) can now share shows and movies with their Facebook friends. For tablet users, they now have the ability to control the app’s volume with software controls instead of using the hardware buttons and there is also improved audio/video syncing across the board for all devices. Solid update for a solid application.

Full Changelog:

  • Added Facebook sharing for Android phones and tablets in Latin America, Canada, the UK and Ireland
  • Added software volume controls for tablet users
  • Improved audio/video syncing for tablets and phones
  • Resolved split picture and flickering issues on select tablets

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