LauncherPro Update Coming This Week?

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This is definitely what we want to hear on a chilly Monday afternoon in December. It’s been too long without word from Federico Carnales and his LauncherPro, meaning we’re starting to get antsy. If you recall reading this true masterpiece of an interview, you will remember Fede announcing he would be rewriting the entire app from scratch to reduce bugs and to easily add features. Plus one to that.

I myself am not a patient man. I can admit that. So I set out for the answer. After 2 days of going back and forth, I was able to get a hold of him and snagged this quote:

“The update to the current LP should be out early next week (This Week) and the rewrite is still a bit hard to predict, it’s a lot more work than I had expected.”

Can I get a, “Woot Woot!” So everyone, I am giving you homework – Be on the lookout! And you may be wondering what this update is going to entail? Well don’t worry because I asked that too:

“It’s a secret.”

Can you believe that? A secret? I’m hurt. Either way, I am excited about this, and hope everyone else is too! Best believe when it’s updated you’ll see a post from yours truly. Depending on if my cold doesn’t keep me bedridden.




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