Yahoo Mail Issues on 2.1 Droid? Try this Fix

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Are there still Yahoo mail users in existence?  Apparently so!  If you are one of the few, and if you are struggling to get your Droid to add your Yahoo email account correctly using the Email app, then try out the following steps.  They worked on my test account, but I also didn’t run into issues setting it up the easy way either.  Let me know…


1.  Make sure Wifi is off.
2.  Open the Email app.
3.  Enter in full Yahoo email address and password.
4.  Select MANUAL SETUP instead of “Next”.
5.  Select “IMAP” and setup the following:

Password:  yourpassword
IMAP server:
Port: 143
Security: None
IMAP path prefix = Blank

6.  Tap “Next”.
7.  Set Outgoing server settings as:

SMTP server:
Port: 587
Security: None

8. Click “Next” and finish the rest of the setup.

Cheers Kristy!


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