apparently, every single motorola droid in the u.s. is effected by some evil voice search demon. to be serious for a second, this is actually true. as of this morning around 7:30AM, voice search on motorola droid devices has stopped working.
if you open the app and say a voice command, you get nothing. no recognition, no response, no results.
the issue has been brought to the highest levels at verizon as far as we know, but there is no timetable on a fix.
stay tuned! we’ll keep this post rolling as we have new info. and if your droid returns to correct functionality, please let us know!
update 8:33am (2/2):
voice search is now recognizing voice commands but stalling during processing. “cancel” is required to get out of the app.
update 9:26am (2/2):
still down. verizon rep confirms it is a “program issue.” whatever the hell that means. we also have users reporting now that they have never lost the voice search service.
if you leave a comment with your location and whether or not your voice search is working, that would be fantastic.
update 10:09am (2/2):
some users reporting that their voice search has been fixed. i’m in oregon and still definitely dead.
update 10:25am (2/2):
and voice search is officially back. bam.
update 4:19pm (2/2):
jumped the gun on everyone having their service back. getting reports through comments now that nebraska and california are still without voice search.
update 4:23pm (2/2):
just tested mine and voice search is now force closing.
update 7:49pm (2/2):
force closes continue and reports are coming in from all over the u.s. it looked initially like a west coast issue, but that theory has now been squashed. once we have an update reporting some sort of change, we’ll be back.
stay patient everyone. let’s just hope they are testing before the 2.1 release. (fingers crossed!)
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