This Icon Pack is Hot: Ponoco

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It’s been hard to get me away from Phix, a material-esque pack we wrote up a couple of weeks ago, but I’d say that Ponoco is in the running. Featuring over 750+ handmade, round icons, 44 cloud-based wallpapers, a pretty app dashboard, and support for your favorite launchers, there are few things not to like here.

Each icon has been crafted to highlight the app identifier set atop rounded bodies that feature a subtle crease through their middle regions. There is a bubbliness to Ponoco that really allows the icons to hover as they sit on your home screen. The colors are soft, muted, and work incredibly well with minimal-retro wallpapers, especially those included in the pack. This is an icon pack that moves far away from the long-shadow and stock Material Design trends.

Check it out! 

Play Link ($1.49)

Edit:  The Zooper clock widget I’m using is called Typographical.

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