3 Apps You Need to Own Right Now

Apps are what make our smartphones so important to us, not just the phone itself. Without so many great applications available on Android, then who knows, maybe we would all have iOS devices. Thankfully, that is not the case.

Whenever we are setting up a new device, there is a set list of apps we instantly download from Google Play, as using our phones without them would just be unfulfilling.

Below, we will go over 3 apps that always get loaded onto our devices. The point being, if you don’t already have these apps installed yourself, then we recommend you check them out immediately.

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There are Twitter clients aplenty available on Google Play, and only recently did we rediscover Fenix after it received quite a few updates since its launch in early 2014. Now, Fenix is our absolute go-to client for Twitter, even beating out the new Falcon Pro 3.

Fenix brings the perfect mix of great design and functionality, while also deploying a few special features which really sets it ahead of other clients. One feature, called real-time updates, allows the application to auto populate your timeline with new tweets, making sure you are not always having to refresh it yourself. This feature, coupled with Favorites, allows you to keep track of particular individuals with much ease without having to refresh your entire feed. For example, if you follow Nike releases like a hawk, this would be the app for you.

It costs $4.49 on Google Play, a price that is well justified in our eyes.

Play Link ($4.49)

Zooper Widget Pro

When it comes to personalization of the home screen with clock widgets, it does not get much better than Zooper Widget. Zooper allows developers to create their own custom skins, which users can then download from Google Play. Everything is safe and secure.

Frankly, we love Zooper Widget because everyone else does. With such a huge ecosystem of downloadable designs and widgets, you would be crazy not to try to find something you did not like. There is a huge mix of minimal themes, extravagant setups, and so much more in between.

Clock widget lovers, get on this if you have not already.

Play Link ($2.99)



The email client which finally replaced Gmail for the DL staff is Mailbox. It took a bit of convincing for me, but once your account is all set up and synced with Google, the email experience Mailbox offers over Gmail is quite amazing.

Users are able to quickly sift through incoming messages thanks to “Archiving” and “Trashing,” but not only that, users can also have messages pop back up after a set amount of time. For example, if you are currently busy but an important email comes in, you can have it slung back to you at a more appropriate time. The main goal of Mailbox is to keep your inbox at zero, which helps you feel organized.

This app is completely free to download, so if you feel like giving it a shot over Gmail, be our guest.

Play Link (Free)

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Of course, if you have any good recommendations, we always have wide open ears.

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 9:29 am

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