Swype Beta Updated, Adds Dragon Dictation and Advanced Language Modeling

With Swype’s recent addition of Dragon Dictation, talking to your phone is now less frustrating with no more misheard words.  Thanks to the acquisition of Swype by Nuance, Swype has been able to implement Nuance’s bread and butter right into their own software.  Dragon Dictation is known as a speech to text software that allows for text input up to five times faster than regular pecking. But that’s not all, folks.

According to Swype developers, Swype is also learning how we, as the consumers, speak. It takes actual context into account as we swipe from key to key, spelling out words.  It will then appropriately place the proper word to fit the sentence given the context.  And according to their studies, it will only get more intuitive the more you use it.

Swype now features an improved language modeling algorithm, designed to increase the accuracy of the suggestions we offer (such as knowing that you mean “mosh pit” instead of “mosh pot”). By analyzing the text you’ve already entered, Swype will offer more accurate predictions that make sense in the context of the sentence

  • Up to a 40% increase in prediction accuracy when a language profile is present
  • Learns over time as you use it, building up a personal language profile for you.
  • Enabled only for English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. Other languages coming soon!

Does this all sound extremely tantalizing?  Want the newest Swype beta on your device?  Then head right here to get it now.

Update: According to Swype’s beta site, it looks like their app has come onto some bugs or something.  Word from Swype is that they are going to have a fix hopefully soon.  Keep checking back for further details.

Via: Swype

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 10:19 am

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