How to: Grab the OTA File URL for Nexus Updates

Every time a new update surfaces for a Nexus device (like Android 4.4.3), there is a mad dash to find the OTA URL from Google's own servers so that those who were not lucky enough to receive the update over-the-air can sideload the .zip file. You know, because...

People Also Sees Much-needed Polish in Android 4.4.3

We are still digging through Android 4.4.3, looking for major changes to talk about, like the newly re-skinned dialer that we already showed you. Unfortunately, the update is starting to look as minor as expected, so we aren't finding much much else in terms...

Deal: 16GB Nexus 7 (2013) for $139 on eBay

If you want an Android tablet, finding a good deal on one is not difficult. In fact, I don't know why anyone would pay full price for an Android slate at this point. Whether it's something from Samsung or the latest Nexus tablet from Google, someone is bound...