Dark Sky is Kinda Back for Android, But There’s No Telling for How Long

Recently, Dark Sky for Android was taken from us, all because Apple acquired the service for exclusive use on its own devices. However, the Dark Sky APIs that power the whole thing and make it the hyperlocal awesomeness that it is, live on for now. They’re scheduled to be shut down next year. Thanks to a bit of reverse engineering and hacking from an undisclosed developer, Dark Sky for Android has been born again as Darker Sky, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.


What you need to know is this: Darker Sky has most of Dark Sky’s original functionality, at least, all of the free features. Paid features like instant notifications, widgets, and weather report submissions are non functional. Things you’d find in the free version of Dark Sky work great. Those include forecasts, the radar, and the time machine.

Because Apple is known as somewhat of a stickler when it comes to piracy and things of that nature, there’s no telling how long this app will exist. So, if you want to try Darker Sky, I’d suggest you act quick.

To download, follow the Telegram link below. That will take you to the dedicated Darker Sky Telegram group. From there you can download the APK file onto your device. You may need to install Telegram on your device to get the download to function properly.

Enjoy it while it lasts!

Download on Telegram Here

// XDA

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