Pixel 4 Astrophotography Mode Came in Handy This Weekend for NEOWISE

Friend of the site S. McDonald shared with us shots he took over the weekend of comet NEOWISE and the Milky Way. Considering this weekend was big for those of us who appreciate looking up, I’d be interested to see if other readers of ours have shots they’d like to share?

Below we have samples from my time outside this weekend, capturing NEOWISE to the best of my Pixel 4 XL’s abilities, as well as McDonald’s own Pixel 4 shots taken with the Astrophotography mode. While I was in a somewhat decent location outside of Portland, OR, McDonald was in the prime stargazing location of Joseph, OR. It gets much darker out in that area, as you can see from his ability to snap the Milky Way with little issue.

Honestly, it’s amazing that phones are now capable of this. I feel very fortunate that all I need to get shots like these are my phone and a little tripod for holding the phone steady. Easy money.

Have your own shots of NEOWISE, the Milky Way, or other shots with your phone’s night mode? Let’s see them down in the comments!

Update: We’re already getting some other sweet shots from readers. The one below is from @OliverPeckham on Twitter, taken at Badlands National Park on the Pixel 4 XL. Absolutely stunning.

Update #2: Here are some more photos, courtesy of @__banjo__ and Justin M!

This post was last modified on July 21, 2020 10:55 am

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