Google Play Search Results Start Showing Rating, Size, Downloads

I’ve always had sort of a love and hate relationship with Google Play. It’s the only app store we have, so you can’t get around using it, yet discovery in the early years wasn’t fun. The app itself keeps changing too, so the layouts and bits of useful information you might want tend to move around more than I’d like.

Google has done a decent job at improving it in the past couple of years, though. They are now onto the point where they tweak little things that can improve the experience in significant ways. This week, a subtle change to search results has started to rollout that actually might make a huge difference in how much time you spend searching for the right app.

The listings that show up when you search for something now show an app’s rating, how many downloads it has, and in some situations, how big the app is to download. Those might seem like minor pieces of info, but think about how many clicks Google just saved you by showing that upfront.

You now know if an app is rated poorly, if it has been installed a lot (which could mean it is trustworthy), and if you might need WiFi vs. your cellular connection to download it. I absolutely love this change.

// Android Police

This post was last modified on March 26, 2020 3:45 pm

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