S Health Gets More Competitive, Adds Leaderboards and Challenges

For those utilizing the S Health software, prepare to have your fitness data turned into a friendly game among your peers. If you have a few S Health users in your circle, you can now challenge and compete against them using Samsung’s fitness app.

For example, to see who will buy the next round of coffee this week, challenge them to a step-off, seeing who can get through the most steps in a work week. Once a challenge is submitted to your friend, S Health will keep you up to date on your friend’s step total, and if you fall behind, the app will notify you with how many steps you will need to regain the lead.

Beyond creating challenges, S Health users can now look through complete leaderboards, comparing your steps to friends and others using the app across the globe. This will give you a good sense of just how little you are actually walking, compared to others. That’s always a good motivational boost.

Additionally, the S Health app will better recognize when workouts are taking place. If beginning a workout on your phone is something you routinely forget to do, the app will automatically start for you and log your data. As an example, you can program the app to begin logging data if it recognizes running, cycling, or hiking.

If you need a better look at your overall profile in S Health, don’t worry, Samsung is hooking you up with that, too. An updated My Page keeps tracks of your weekly activities by displaying a weekly summary, rewards receives, as well as a bundle of personal bests. Using this data, S Health will also suggest goals and targets you can work towards.

This S Health update is rolling out right now, so be on the lookout in Google Play.

Play Link

Via: Samsung

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