GIPHY App Updates on Android With All the Sharing

GIPHY released an update to its Android app today that makes it more than just a Facebook Messenger sharing service. With the update, GIPHY is now free from its Messenger kennel and ready for you to bark your favorites everywhere, even in Hangouts.

The update is rolling out slowly, though, so if you still have the “GIPHY for Messenger” version and aren’t seeing an update, go yell at GIPHY. If you are just installing today, well, you may very well get the new share-friendly version. I would be in that boat, that glorious, glorious boat. 

Confused at what GIPHY is? It’s a massive GIF-filled service that is categorized for easy GIF finding, but also has the new hotness that is trending at the moment. You want this app, I’m thinking. Your internet will be much more fun with it. Trust me.

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