Genius App Released to Google Play, Find All Your Song Lyrics and Meanings in One Place

Genius, a go-to website for song lyrics and deeper lyrical meanings, now has its very own Android app available on Google Play. With it, you can see exactly what your favorite artists are saying during songs, and we can finally conclude that Taylor Swift is singing, “star-crossed lovers,” and not, “Starbucks lovers.” 

Genius allows for users to play embedded tracks and browse lyrics simultaneously, while also browse songs that are featured on current hot lists. This is helpful for those who hear a song, but don’t know the artist or title. The search function allows for users to search by artist, album, song title, and actual lyrics of the song.

What makes this service special are the artists themselves. On some titles, the actual performers or writers will give a detailed description into the meaning of the song. If you ever pondered what Eminem meant when he said, “I’m beginning to feel like a Rap God,” he explains it right on the song’s landing page.

The app is completely free to use, just like the website, so go grab it.


  • Simultaneously play songs and read lyrics
  • Browse the hottest songs and posts on Genius
  • Get the facts behind the tracks with verified annotations from top artists and producers
  • Enjoy a rich media experience with videos, audios, and of course GIFs (our fave)

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