Free Icon Pack You Should Download: Ainokea

If you are into the icon world at all (we most definitely are), then you should know the name Alex Miller and his work as “arandompackage.” Over the years, he has made some of the best icon packs of all time, a list that includes Influx, Jive, and Éternel. His latest, Ainokea, will probably be added to the conversation before all is said and done, thanks to its “relaxing” theme, softness to the icons, understated colors, and added bonuses, like custom-made Zooper Pro skins.

Oh, it’s also free. Yep, Alex made Ainokea free last week, so you may as well go download it and take it for a spin. 

The pack includes well over 800 icons, a dashboard app with request feature, icon searching, a bunch of custom-made wallpapers, compatibility with your favorite launchers, and those previously mentioned Zooper skins.

Go get it and let us know what you think.

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