Humble Mobile Bundle 9 Hits the Web, Includes Leo’s Fortune and More

It is that time again, as the Humble Mobile Bundle got its 9th refresh today. The latest iteration of the philanthropic gaming collection includes the much-lauded Leo’s Fortune, among a few other great games. 

For the uninitiated, the Humble Bundle is an opportunity to altruistically obtain a bunch of games on the cheap. Typically split into two pricing tiers – the first for any contribution and the second for a higher price based on the amount of the average donation – a majority of what you pay goes to charity and the respective developers.

Syberia, Neuroshima Hex, and Bardbarian: Golden Axe are included in this bundle’s first tier. Rounding out the “premium” tier is the aforementioned Leo’s Fortune, plus Out There and First Strike. As of publication time, all six will set you back a measly $2.85.

More games are on the way, but a new bundle lands October 22. Best act soon if you find these titles appealing.

Via: Humble Bundle

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