Mailbox Coming to Android for Free Today (Updated: It’s Live!)

Dropbox announced this morning that it is finally bringing Mailbox, an incredibly popular iOS mail application, to Android and the desktop (Mac only). The apps should both arrive today, though the links on Mailbox’s website are not yet live.

For those new to Mailbox, think of it as a new way to attack your inbox, which can at times be very overwhelming. Mailbox lets you quickly swipe items away that you’d like to trash, archive, or get back to at a later date. For items that you have snoozed, you’ll see them automatically appear back in your inbox when the time is right, so that you can focus “on what’s important now.” The goal is to hit “Inbox Zero,” an inbox that hasn’t nothing left in it. 

Mailbox works with Gmail, so assuming you can get used to its thinking, could replace your Gmail app.


As soon as the link is live, we’ll update this post.

Via:  Mailbox

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 8:58 am

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