Humor: YouTuber Hammers Galaxy S5, Gets What He Deserves

When new phones are released, folks take to YouTube in search of views and ad money, running over flagships with Tesla cars and dropping them to test their durability. While most of it is absolute crap, the newest test video to catch our attention is this poor guy who decided to take a hammer to a brand new Galaxy S5 from Samsung.

Why you need to hammer test the Galaxy S5, I have no idea, but the results make for one fantastic Internet video. 

As you will see, Samsung clearly planned to have the battery in the Galaxy S5 explode upon impact, set to release a noxious black gas into the air that would then be breathed in by the unsuspecting victim, resulting in a cancer-causing cough. Should the dude with the hammer sue? I think he might have a case. Poor guy.

Get some Febreze or something!


This post was last modified on April 16, 2014 8:26 am

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