Cryten is a Beautiful Round, Flat, Neat, and Pastel Set of Icons

Icon packs for Android have come a long way over the last year or so. I can still remember years back when every new set was embossed, glowing, based on some gimmicky theme, or pulled out of an 80s rock video. It was rough, especially if you wanted to customize your device with some class. Thankfully, developers like Ryan Kelly, Dave Kover, Jsin Jaques, Alex Miller or Viktor Vucinic have our backs and are producing really beautiful stuff on a regular basis.

Vucinic released a new pack called Cryten within the last couple of weeks that you should definitely take a look at. 

The pack is filled with flattened round icons (Hooray for round!) and is based on a set of pastel colors. There are some 1100+ icons in the pack along with 27 HD wallpapers that match up to the icons perfectly. He has been updating the pack quite regularly, meaning there are new icons flooding in at least a couple of times per week. And probably my favorite feature is his extra list of alternative icons. I can’t tell you how often I open a new icon pack and there is only one color for the phone or camera or messaging icons. Give us choices, icon pros!

Play Link ($1.49)

And remember, if you see new icon packs that are worth a look, be sure to ping us.

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